Online Quran Memorization For Kids And Adults With Its Importance To Learn With IQuranschool
June 9, 2021
Islam A Religion For Muslims
Online Quran Tutors|Quran Learning With IQuranschool Tutors
June 14, 2021

What Are Islam And Quran?|Learn Quran Online With IQuranschool

What Is Islam & Quran?

The Quran is the holy book for Muslims. So, it was revealed in steps to our last Prophet Muhammad over 23 years. Therefore, the Quran verses viewed as the sacred words of God by Muslims. Moreover, it is also meant to correct any previous holy books, such as the Old and New Testaments.

Origin OF The Holy Quran

The Quran was exposed to the Prophet Muhammad by Allah in the Arabic language. But, even some Quran pieces have been date as far back as the eighth and the seventh century. Therefore, the earliest existing text of the Quran is from the ninth century.

Yet early changes of the Quran are known to have existed, and Muslims consider that the text they have today was settled soon after the death of the ProphetProphet by the Caliph Usman.

Contents About Quran An Islamic Book 

There are 114 chapters in the Quran and written in the classical Arabic language. Thus, all the surahs except one start with the sentence “Bismillahir Rahmani Raheem” (In the name of Allah, who is the most merciful and the kindest). So, this is the spirit with which Muslims should start every move.

But, the longest Surah of the Quran is Surah Baqarah means “The Cow,” with 286 verses. Moreover, the shortest is Surah Al-Kawther means “abundance,” which has three verses. But, the order of surahs does not compare to the chronological order in which they were revealed. Therefore, the Quran is seldom divided into 30 about equal parts, and it is known as juz. Thus, these divisions make it easier for Muslims to read the Quran in 30 days. But, many of us read one juz each day, particularly during the Holy month of Ramadan.

Learn Quran With IQuranschool

Quran Translation And Quran Memorization

Translations of the Quran exist in over 40 languages. But Muslims are yet taught to learn and recite it in the Arabic language. It is even if this is not their mother language. So, Muslims cannot understand it. Muslims view translation in English and Urdu as new versions of the holy book.

For this purpose, IQuranschool  Academy offers all Muslims to come and join us for Quran translation from our worthy Quran teachers. But, Quran translation Course will help you and your kids to learn the Quran message in a better way. Moreover, our Quran translation tutors are highly motivated to teach each student with full attention.

Memorizing The Quran

At the time of the revelation of the Quran, Holy Books were not quickly available. Hence it was normal for people to learn it by heart. Doing the Quran to memory served as great care for its protection. A person who can perform this is known as a hafiz-e-Quran.

IQuranschool academy also offer and design a Quran Memorization for our students. This course has three stages

  1. Memorization of the long surahs
  2. Memorization of the short surahs
  3. The whole Quran Memorization

Respect For The Holy Book

The Quran assumed with immense respect by the Muslims. So, muslims also consider it is the divine message of Allah. When the Quran has recited audibly, Muslims should behave with respect. And all should avoid speaking, eating or drinking, or making distracting noise.

Quran Translation And Quran Memorization

Benefits Of Reciting The Holy Quran

Reciting the Quran daily base has excellent benefits and rewards. So, each of the souls described here is an aid to read and follow the Holy Quran message. Thus, Quran knowledge is for both Muslim men and women. Moreover, muslims start their kids learning the Quran from the early ages of life. But, the continuous kinship with Quran in its learning brings a Muslim closer to the Creator (Allah).

  • The Quran brings excellent blessing in this human life and will be a rewarding source in the hereafter.
  • Many states can realize the importance of Quran teaching. Reading Surah Al Mulk daily at night will save a person from punishment in the grave. Thus, it is also the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad.
  • He (ﷺ) also used to recite Surah As-Sajdah before sleeping.
  • Similarly, Surah AL Fatiha declares as Shifa/cure for every illness.
  • An added feature of the Quran is Surah Al Kahf, “Whoever memorized the first ten verses of Surah Kahf will save from Dajjal. (Sahih Muslim)

Furthermore, Our Online Quran School is striving to change the lives of Muslims by providing teachings of the Quran. Moreover, our online Quran tutors’ entire Quran online sessions bring the greatest joy to Muslims to learn and read. Even your kids have got full knowledge of the Quran through the learning of the Quran Translation course. That’s why we’ve given and proud us to manifesting the most effective methods to help our students to learn the Quran & Islam.

Religion Islam

Islam is a religion with about 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. But, after Christianity, Islam is the second-largest religion in the world. So, scholars typically date the world of Islam to the 7th century. Even it is the youngest of the major world religions. Islam started during the time of the ProphetProphet Muhammad’s life from Mecca. Moreover, islam faith is proliferating worldwide today.

The Prophet Muhammad in Saudi Arabia stated Islam faith. But, the followers of Islam are called Muslims.In addition to this Allah looks like the individual God, inventor, and restorer of the whole world. However, the wish of Allah, to which individual beings must obey, is made known through the Quran. Therefore, there are communities of Muslims living in non-Muslim countries.

Major Sources Of Islam

The two sources of Islam are the Quran and Hadith. So, these two are significant sources of teachings of Islam. Moreover, for Muslims looking for guidance, scholars often refer back to one of these two sources.

The Quran is the primary religious book of Islam. But, it describes the origin of Divine guidance for every Muslim till Judgment day. Thus, the Quran was revealed in classical Arabic language. However, the chapters in the Holy book describe all aspects of human life. It is including matters of doctrine, social system, and legislation. So, the noblest language and a rational message that reviews the human heart have made this Divine Book move nations and civilizations. The Quran will continue to lead those who turn to Allah with a sincere heart.

Islam A Religion For Muslims

Sunnah And Hadith

The other source of Islam is the Sunnah & Hadith. But, the examples of the Prophet Muhammad’s life and the Hadith records of what the Prophet Muhammad said or allowed in his life. So, both the Hadith and Sunnah must adhere to a severe chain of narration that guarantees its authenticity. Moreover, it also considers factors such as the character of people in the chain and action in narration.

A famous example is that of the scholar of Hadith writing: Imam Bukhari, who drove several hundred miles on horseback to get a Hadith. When he landed, he saw a man that knew the Hadith beating his donkey into believing there was grain in a sack to convince him to run forward. Imam Bukhari quickly left without addressing the man because he was not ready to allow any person with a questionable personality to join a chain of narration or share knowledge that would limit the practice of the religion.

Here is an example of the distinction between guidance from the Quran and guidance from Hadith:

In the Quran, Allah states that 

“All Muslims must pray five times a day.” 

From all of the examples of Hadiths, we lay on how we are supposed to perform our five prayers. Thus, the hadiths give us an in-depth means for every step of the prayers. However, in the Quran, we were only forced to do our prayers.

Five Pillars Of Islam

Five Pillars Of Islam

Muslims must follow the five fundamental pillars of Islam that are vital to their faith. These cover:

    • Shahada: to declare one’s faith in Allah and belief in the last ProphetProphet Muhammad (S.A.W)
    • Salat: to pray five times a day
    • Zakat: to give to those in need & poor
    • Fasting: to fast during the Holy month of Ramadan
    • Hajj: to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during a lifetime if the person is able

Islamic Studies

Islamic studies are the investigation of Islam as a faith and a practical guide for everyday life. So, it involves a close study of the Quran and Sunnah. But, Islamic art designed rugs, luxury ceramics, valuable miniature paintings, and frames of world renown like the Alhambra and the Taj Mahal. Moreover, its historians wrote the grand scope of Islamic history. However, this also takes students from the rise of Islam and the life of the Prophet Muhammad through to the first Arab regimes. Therefore, the story takes into modern terms by studying how Muslims reacted to the military and cultural invasion of the West, achieving freedom, and the roles they play in today’s globally interconnected world.

The IQuranschool Academy sponsors research wherever it carries in universities and other schools into all of the issues mentioned above and many more. So, the Muslim culture left its imprint on the languages of Europe. We primarily need to get to know Muslims, including their faith and their culture, more reliable.

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