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Noorani Qaida Lessons

With the help of Noorani Qaida Lessons, you and your kids will learn the basic rules of Tajweed. So, on completing this Noorani Qaida lesson students will be able to recite the Holy Quran fluently in an Arabic Accent.

About Noorani Qaida Lesson No. 1

In Noorani Qaida lesson No. 1 student able to learn how to read?

Moreover, pronounce the Arabic letters in an Arabic Accent

What Students will learn in Noorani Qaida Lesson No. 1

  • Students will learn recognition of Arabic letters.
  • Students will learn the Makharij of the Arabic Alphabet.
  • Students will learn the basic rules of tajweed.
  • Students will learn about Bold Letter.
  • Students will learn about Throatal Letters.

Arabic Alphabets

The Arabic Alphabet consists of 28 letters (29 letters if we include letter ء Hamza)

  1. Bold Letters

The letters which are pronounced with a strong voice are called bold letters.

There are seven bold letters.

خ ص ض غ ط ق ظ

خُصَّ ضَغْطِِ قِظْ

Letter (ر, Raa) has some exceptions. It is sometimes heavy and sometimes lights depending upon the position of the word in the line.

  1. Throat Letters

The letters which are pronounced from our throat are called throat letters.

There are six throat letters.

1- Bottom of the Throat

(ء ه)

2- Middle of the Throat

(ع ح)

3- Top of the Throat

(غ خ)

About Noorani Qaida Lesson No. 2

In this lesson, you will learn about the different shapes of the Arabic Alphabet.

What Students will learn in Noorani Qaida Lesson No. 2

  • Students will learn the shapes of Arabic Letters.
  • Students will learn about Joint Letters.
  • Students will learn the basic rules of tajweed.
  • Students will learn about Combined Word.

Compound Letters

In this lesson 2, students will recognize the different Arabic letters when they are mixed. So, students will learn “How a letter may come at any place of the word and with a different shape in each position”. Moreover, when two or more letters are joined they form a Murakkab.

Therefore, in the Arabic language, you have to connect different Arabic letters to make a word. Thus, this is the reason, you have to make changes and cut some letters to join with two or more letters for making a correct word. However, in this lesson, students will learn how to cut the letters and joined them together e.g, لا is formed by combining ل + ا.

Some Examples:

با: read it as “ ب الف” (Baa Alif).

بلب: read it as “ با لام با” (Baa Laam Baa).

فقل: read it as “ فا قاف لام” (Faa Qaaf Laam).

About Noorani Qaida Lesson No. 3

Muqatta’at Letters

In Lesson 3, we will teach you how to recite letters separately in a word. So, these letters are called special letters. Moreover, the letters appear at the start of some Surahs of the Quran at IQuranschool. Therefore, they are also called Huroof e Muqatta’at. Thus, there are certain tajweed rules applied to these letters while pronouncing which we will explain in coming lessons.

For Example:

الم: read it as “الف لام میم” (Alif Laam Meem).

المص: read it as “الف لام میم صاد” (Alif Laam meem Saad).

المر: read it as “الف لام میم را” (Alif Laam Meem Raa).

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