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Importance To Learn Quran Online In AUS And Ways To Follow Sunnah

Learn Quran Online

Learn Quran Online

IQuranschool would give you one reply to that – “YES!” About a decade ago, if you ever considered with people, you want to learn Quran online. So, the tutor would tell you about all the cons of tagging along. However, the recent technological improvements have finally changed the scenario. Moreover, you can learn from native teachers, meeting at their desks, living seven seas apart.

So, platforms like IQuranschool has the ultimate avenues you can seek assistance. You can choose from different courses, such as Quran Recitation, Quran Tajweed, and Quran Memorization. Also, these websites cater to people from different age groups. If you want to enrol your child in either of these programs, you can do so in very easy steps.


When you study with Quran tutors on Skype. So, it allows you to design your schedule. But, the tutors usually ask you to pick a schedule that works for you. So, this is quite helpful when you have school-going kids or a confused work routine. Thus, the teacher will allow you to pick a time according to your location and usefulness.

You Can Take Your Step.

When you study and learn the Quran online from online tutors, you get to prefer your activity. Unlike the on-site classes, where the entire class runs at the same pace, online platforms bring you an opportunity to choose a speed that works for you. Also, tell them the pace that you prefer for your kid or yourself. Thus, the online Quran tutor designs a curriculum according to the need of every student. So, this is quite helpful for kids who are slow learners or new converts.

A good online Quran Academy  enables you to have a conversation with your Quran tutor. You can have an interactive session with the tutor to tell them all about your proposed outcomes from this.

One-on-One Sessions 

IQuranschool has become a norm these days. During the classroom setting in an Islamic Institute, the students usually have to attend a lesson and be a part of the group. However, things are quite different in the online Quran setup. So, every student gets individual attention from the teacher.

The Quran tutor ensures that there is only one student during the lesson, and they pay full attention to that student. One-on-one communication brings more chances for the student to grasp knowledge. Therefore, they can easily ask questions from the instructor and request repetition of lessons if the concepts are not clear.

True And Original Tutors

Often, parents want their child to recite Quran in the same accent and tone as the locals. But, it might be possible that they do not have enough facilities available nearby. So, when they expose their child to online teaching of the Quran. Moreover, they can enroll them in courses where natives teach Tajweed online, or a certified tutor teaches Quran Memorization online.

Look For Official Information

One of the biggest fitnah of our age is the existence of false information. However, we heavily rely on the details we learn from online platforms without rectifying them from a scholar or a credible tutor. As Muslims, it is necessary to guarantee that the places you collect information about Sunnah are verified. Therefore, you can study the books of Ahadith and Seerah that are certified. Or you can also ask for information from your online Quran tutor, who would guide you on how to filter the accurate information from a pool of incorrect knowledge.

Follow Every Sunnah

Besides some Sunnahs that are gender or time-specific, there are many general Sunnahs that we can implement in our lives. Once you have heard about a Sunnah from a credible resource, you must work towards its implementation. There should be no excuses or arguments from our side. Allah (SWT) beautifully defines the character of His obedient servants in the following verse:

Learn About the Companions

After Muhammad (PBUH), his Companions are the most significant source of inspiration for us. We must learn about these superheroes and understand how they managed to follow the Sunnah despite living with limited resources. They didn’t have access to technology and luxuries like we have today. Yet, they posed an uncanny resemblance to the lifestyle of our beloved Prophet (PBUH).

Keep Good Company

Keeping good company is crucial to ensure that we stay on the track determined by Our Lord (SWT). But, having good friends will keep reminding us that we have a higher authority to give our accounts. Thus, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also highlights the value of having good friends. 

Seek Reward from Allah 

As mentioned earlier, we will face some severe tests when trying to follow a Sunnah lifestyle. So, people might confuse us or make it difficult for us to travel this path. In these dark times, we have to remember that our reward awaits our Lord. These people do not have any power to give us respect or demean us in front of society.

Make sure that you do everything for Allah (SWT). Possessing intentions to please people or displaying your righteousness will push all your efforts down the drain. May Allah grant us the company of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers in the Hereafter. 

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