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Are you looking for a way to read the Quran in the original Arabic language? Are you tired of reading it in translation? Do you want to know what the word really means? Have you ever been confused by a hadith or verse? is a website that offers to learn the Quran tafsir by heart with the help of the most famous online Quran translation tutors. So, this site aims at helping people who want to learn the Quran by heart with the most advanced technology. 

We are going to share with you some tips and tricks on learning Quran Tafsir. But, we know that learning Quranic Arabic is one of the most important and challenging tasks in Islam. For those who have been reading our website and want to gain knowledge about it, they can learn here. 

Learn Quran Online With Tafsir 

Learning Quran is a wonderful opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Islam. Not only is learning the language of Islam rewarding, but the Quranic verses themselves are inspirational. When people read the Quran, they are able to witness how God has provided guidance for man since the day he created him. People should try learning the Quran with Tafsir.

It teaches religion, ethics, and the history of the world. The Quran is an open book where the verses are open to interpretation, and there is no fixed canon or specific way to understand the meaning of the Quran.

What Is Quran Tafsir?

Tafsir is a term derived from the Arabic verb ‘tafassa’, which means to explain something in detail. It is one of the four pillars of Islamic law (fiqh) along with ‘Uyun al-Athar, or Hadith, Fiqh, and Usul al-Fiqh (principles of fiqh). It is a religious study of the Qur’an. Quran Tafsir involves both exegesis and interpretation of Quranic verses.

Tafsir (Quran Translation) is a Quranic word that literally means the interpretation of the Quran. This is done by scholars who are experts in the Holy Quran. Tafsir is a highly valuable and respected practice in Islam and is required for all Muslims to understand the Quran.

Best Online Quran Academy For Learning Quran 

Most of the online Quran academies in the USA and UK will be for learning Quran. So, these Quran academies are usually free to enroll but they also have fees for students. There are lots of online Quran academies in the USA to choose from.

However, when searching for the best online Quran academy in Pakistan, make sure to select an academy that offers real live classes with real live teachers. Some online Quran academies are more interested in making money than teaching Islam. One of the best Quran academies is IQURANSCHOOL. 

Difference Between Tafsir And Quran Memorization 

One of the key differences between tafsir and memorization is that tafsir requires interpreting and understanding the meaning of verses and narrations in context, while Quran memorization focuses on memorization and recitation. Both methods can be useful in different situations.

However, tafsir is not suitable for students who struggle with memorizing verses, while the method of memorization is a good choice for students with good memorization skills.

How To Understand The Meaning Of Every Verse Of The Quran?

The Quran is divided into 114 chapters, which are each further broken down into verses. It’s easy to lose sight of the larger picture when analyzing individual verses. To help you understand the context, imagine reading through each verse as if it were its own chapter.

The verses in each chapter are in some way related to one another, but you may need to read them in the context of the chapter to understand that relationship. To read the Quran as the holy book it is, one must read it through a lens of understanding rather than just a lens of memorization. 

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