Why Is Islamic Study Necessary For All Muslims?
May 28, 2021
What is Best Online Quran Academy?
June 1, 2021

What Is Islam?|Islam And Quran Study Online|How To Learn Islam?

What Is Islam?

Islam is an Arabic term that means “submission”. Submission and obedience to Allah is a focal theme in the religion of Islam. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last of all religious prophets, and Quran was revealed to him by Allah. Further, Islam is the sole, complete and accepted version of a primordial faith that was revealed many times before by prophets including Adam, Noah, Ibraham, Moses, and Jesus.

Today followers of Islam create the world’s fastest religious group. An expected 1.8 billion or more than 25% of the world community identify themselves as followers of Islam. Islam is the standard religion in 26 countries in Asia, SubSaharan Africa, North Africa, and the Middle East. Even Islam is growing faster than any other religion in the world. The Arabic text on the Saudi Arabian Flag is the Islamic faith, known as the Shahada. It translates to that “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger.” The Shahada is the earliest of the five pillars in Islam.

Muslims Are The Fastest-Growing Religious Group In The World.

According to a just-released report, Christianity’s remarkable reign as the world’s largest religion may come to an end. Muslims will undoubtedly grow more than double as fast as the overall world population between 2015 and 2060. In the second half of this century, Muslims will likely exceed Christians as the world’s more quickly growing religious group.

As the world’s population is predicted to grow 32% in the coming decades, the number of Muslims is expected to increase by 70%. As predicted, Muslims will grow from 1.8 billion to nearly 3 billion by 2060. After 45 years, Muslims are assumed to make up more than three in ten of the world’s population (31.1%).

The basic logic for Islam’s growth finally involves the simple demographics. First, Muslims have more children than parts of the seven other major religious groups measured in the study. Muslim women have an average of 2.9 children, above the group (Christians at 2.6) and non-Muslims (2.2). Therefore Muslim fertility exceeds non-Muslim fertility. The Muslim population’s growth is also helped because Muslims have the youngest median age (24) of all major religious groups. But the median age of non-Muslims is 32. So, high fertility rates will accelerate Muslim population growth.

Faster Growth Of The Muslim population In The U.S.A

The Muslims are growing faster in the United States. We calculate that by the year 2060, there will be more Muslims than any other religious group in the U.S.A. At present, about 1% of the U.S.A population is Muslim, which will increase by a couple of percentage points in the decades to come. And Muslims are younger than other major religious groups, have more children, and have been growing through immigration. The European countries formed by non-Muslims and the Islamic countries have a history of more than thirteen hundred years. The migration of Muslims to Europe has led to numerous Muslim minorities in many European countries.

Learn Quran & Islam With IQuranschool To Become A Good Muslim

Fulfil The Five Pillars Of Islam

Following the Five Pillars is compulsory for all Muslims. A strong Muslim will not hesitate from his notice of the pillars of Islam. Fulfil your daily commitments mindfully, and plan your specific duties with care. So, I Quran Academy designed an Islamic studies course that covers all aspects of Islam. This course helps you to live a pure life according to Islam. The Five Pillars are…

  1. Shahada
  2. Salah
  3. Fasting
  4. Almsgiving
  5. Hajj (Once in life, if you are able)

Read The Quran As Often As You Can

As Muslim, it is our responsibility to recite the Quran with tajweed rules. You will strengthen your faith if you learn Arabic, the language of the Quran. So, our online platform allows you to learn Quran with tajweed rules more confidently. We exist worldwide and enable our students to learn Quran from our certified tutors. Our Quran Courses helps you to understand the Meaning and Message of the Quran and observe how it applies to your own life.

Pray Above And Behind The Mandatory Requirements.

As a good Muslim, you must pray five times a day. Our last Prophet Mohammed (SAW) encourages us to follow Islam. Hence, IQuranschool Academy gives you to learn Islamic rules to become a good Muslim. Tahajjud is a very satisfying Sunnah prayer offered during the dead of night. Moreover, it is a peaceful time when Allah descends to the lowest heaven.

I Quranschool A Siurce Of Learning Quran&Islam Online

We are providing online Quran & Islam teaching services to all Muslims worldwide. I Quran School is the best Online platform. Our online Quran & Islam studies courses are specially designed for kids and adults. We provide you with an opportunity to learn from home. Our certified tutors offer you to learn Islamic studies to live a pure life. Are you looking for an online Quran Institute? Let us teach you Quran and Islam at the comfort of your home.

Please click on the below link to register yourself for Online Quran Learning 

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  1. […] IQuranschool is an online Quran Academy. Our outlined Noorani Qaida Course is more effective for kids and beginners. Our one on one online Noorani Qaida Course is entirely focused on every student. […]

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